Wealthy and professional women are far more likely to binge drink than those on lower incomes, a new survey of Scotland’s health has suggested. Official figures showed 31 per cent of females in homes with the highest earners drink more than the recommended limit of 14 units per week, the equivalent of seven pints of….
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A person with Dual diagnosis is affected with substance abuse and mental health disorder at the same time. Therefore, it is very important to find out the cause of substance abuse and mental health problem, individually in these people and to study and then draft out a proper method for the diagnosis of this dual….
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Private addiction treatment is a discrete and successful way for you to overcome your drug or alcohol addiction. A large amount of people who are addicted to drugs are embarrassed for their communities and loved ones to find out. At the same time, when a person wants to come clean from their drug addiction, having….
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Teenager Catherine Woollard will be legally allowed to drink for the first time this week – but, for her, the novelty of alcohol wore off years ago. Set to celebrate her 18th birthday tomorrow, she began drinking at the age of 12 following the sudden death of her grandmother. By the time she was 16,….
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We have such a great place to live. We have great schools, good jobs and beautiful lakes and natural resources to enjoy. There’s another distinction, though, we shouldn’t be so proud of: our cultural acceptance of the overconsumption of alcohol. We drink just to get drunk. As a result, we see so much human misery….
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