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Treatment & Detox Guide

Monthly Shot Helps Alcoholics From Drinking

A new monthly injection could help keep holiday drinkers on the wagon. David Rosenbloom, a specialist in substance abuse at Boston University School of Public Health, said for people battling alcoholism, holidays pose a strong danger of relapse. “For some it’s the stress of being lonely, for others it’s the stress of being with people,”….

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Judge considering center for drug, alcohol help program

Court-ordered rehabilitation for drug and alcohol offenders may soon be a locally based option for those facing charges in Lincoln County Justice Court, a choice authorities say would provide them with better options for sentencing and enhance the effectiveness of such treatment. Lincoln County Justice Court Judge Ralph Boone and Post One Probation Officer Roger….

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Cure for alcoholism discovered?

Cure for alcoholism

An eminent French doctor claims to have identified a ‘miracle’ cure for alcoholism. In his book titled, Le Dernier Verre [The Last Glass], Dr Olivier Ameisen, claims that he got rid of his habit with the help of drugs, although experts and anti-alcoholism campaigners are sceptical about his claims. Citing his own case as an….

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Teens and alcohol

Alcopops. Ever hear of those? Not many people have heard of that term, but they are a drink that is growing in popularity among young people. Alcopop, broken down, is “alcohol” and “pop” (as in soda pop). They are sweet alcoholic beverages that often is fizzy and has had fruit juice added to them. One….

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Is 12-Step Treatment Right for You?

12-Step Treatment Program

Are you thinking about going into treatment for drug or alcohol addiction? If you’re thinking about taking the first step to getting sober and you’re not sure if 12 step treatment is right for you this should clear up some of the questions that you have. Although 12-step treatment is not for everyone, this method….

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