Sometimes occasional drinking can progress over time into alcohol abuse. It is a serious illness that often requires immediate treatment. Alcohol abuse is a serious problem that can not only cause chronic health issues like liver damage, brain damage, but also can totally change a person’s character is more likely to become thoughtless or violent…..
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Ever since the invention of alcohol and before the launch of new age treatment, people have been forced to rely upon traditional methods of achieving sobriety… everything from quitting cold turkey, to tooth grinding will power and “talk therapy” … and finally of course there’s the renowned 12 step programs introduced in the 1950s. AA….
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The hazards of binge drinking have been well documented, both for those of legal drinking age and those under 21. The problem, as State Representative Phyllis Kahn sees it, is that young people never learn first-hand how to drink responsibly. The veteran Minneapolis Democrat’s solution would be to legalize teen drinking in certain circumstances, in….
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Substance abuse has become a 21st century epidemic with one in four homes affected. While it may seem like a personal problem, citizens pay the price in law enforcement and court costs: domestic violence, divorce, and policing drunks on the road and dealers on school campuses. The statistics are sobering. In 2008, Ottawa County alone….
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According to the number of units I down on an average Friday night, I am officially a binge drinker. Drinking four standard glasses of white wine in one evening may seem perfectly reasonable, but convert those drinks into units and it adds up to a whopping 8.4 – more than double the daily recommended amount….
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