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10 Alarming Drug Abuse Statistics in the USA

Drug abuse is one of society’s oldest problems. It seems that the problem grows and grows, especially due to the fact that the number of substances of abuse has also risen and continues to rise. Understanding these drug abuse statistics can help you to understand the scope of America’s drug problem. 1. Almost 40% of….
Drink Less Alcohol
The desire to drink more than we would like to is an emotional habit. A lot of people think that they are alcoholics, but they’re not – they are just stressed and emotional drinkers. There is nothing wrong with them. They have got themselves into a bit of a bad habit; a bad habit that….
Alcohol addiction-an overview
Alcohol is an intoxicating liquid, obtained from the fermentation of grains or fruits. The different types of these liquid are the beer, wine and other hard liquors. People in habit of regularly consuming these liquids are sure to develop a compulsive need of these liquids over a period of time, which is commonly termed as….
Research finds gene bringing together animal and human research in alcoholism
An important genetic study conducted through Mayo Clinic has identified vital new information concerning alcoholism in subjects with European ancestry, according to a recent issue of Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research. Research findings indicate that alcohol dependence is highly inheritable, although specific genes and their variations associated with this illness remain unknown. Animal model studies….
When alcohol is the problem in your relationship
What is it about this type of drink that causes people to become attached to it? What is it about alcohol that is so much more difficult to handle than say tea or milk? Could it possibly be that there is the huge possibility of an addiction coming to the surface; an addiction that even….