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Treatment & Detox Guide
Ready for recovery: Sober Corps matches recovering alcoholics with mentors to help them stay on track

Mike was sober for 14 years. Then, at age 14, he took his first drink. And he drank until it defined him. First he called himself a drinker. Years later, when he was willing to admit it, he began using a new word: alcoholic. Mike (who asked that his last name not be printed) tried….
Hooked on prescription drugs

What happened to Michael Jackson was heartbreaking. I think that he was frightened all his life and took prescription drugs to deal with it. I did the same. I was addicted to an anti-anxiety drug — as was Jackson, reportedly — and they can be more addictive and harder to come off than heroin. Why….
Alcohol abuse may resume after critical surgery

critical surgery Life-saving surgery to prevent repeated severe bleeding from ruptured veins in the esophagus or upper stomach may not induce some patients with alcoholic liver disease to stop drinking alcohol, researchers report. Such a surgical procedure may be necessary to reduce the pressure in the veins of the esophagus and upper stomach among patients….
Understanding Dual Diagnosis

When two mental disorders or illnesses occur at the same time, or in sequence, in the same person, it is known as comorbidity; when these conditions are diagnosed, it is called a dual diagnosis. Mental disorders are defined by the National Institute on Drug Abuse as “A mental condition marked primarily by sufficient disorganization of….
Clinicians call for action to stem alcohol misuse
Public sector professionals have joined forces to call on the government to take tougher action to reduce harmful drinking. A survey of over 1,000 doctors, nurses, teachers, police and public health consultants shows the overwhelming majority wants tougher rules on alcohol. The joint survey was carried out on behalf of Alcohol Concern, the UK Faculty….