Living Free Health Services
4306 Evergreen Lane
Suite 204
Annandale, VA 22003
(703) 750-1292
Who Answers?
4306 Evergreen Lane
Suite 204
Annandale, VA 22003
(703) 750-1292
Before Bill Wilson founded Alcoholics Anonymous in 1935, there was little hope for those with a drinking problem. Intelligent, highly successful people could not understand why they consistently got into trouble when they drank. Moreover, they could not fathom why they repeatedly returned to the bottle despite pledges of total abstinence. Alcoholics frequently visited hospitals….
Nearly 1.4 million New Yorkers abuse or are dependent on alcohol, drugs or both. A new report from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) provided this and other information about substance abuse and mental health patterns in each state. Rates vary state to state, but all areas of the country are affected….
Finding could spawn novel ways to treat alcoholism, epilepsy A team of researchers, with Nepali-born Prafulla Aryal as key member, of the Salk Institute of Biological Sciences in La Jolla, California, has located the alcohol-binding site in the brain that could pave the way to a whole new approach to treating alcoholism, drug addiction, abuse-related….
Primarily, the goal of a dual diagnosis treatment center is to effectively treat co-existing physical or mental health conditions of an addict along with their substance abuse. By treating all conditions in continuum and integrating the treatment services, many benefits can be received in dual diagnosis treatment centers that may be limited by other providers…..
Alcohol dependency is characterized by a physical need to use alcohol in order to function or feel good. For the patient, there are two primary forms of alcohol dependency which include medical treatment and psychological treatment. Both methods of treatment must be used in order to effectively overcome alcohol dependency and provide the greatest possible….
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