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Treatment & Detox Guide
Most substance abusers seek treatment for drugs
People who go into substance-abuse treatment in North Carolina are more likely to be involved with drugs than with alcohol, according to a new federal report released today. However, help is more easily available for alcohol abuse, the report says. During the past 15 years, the report says, more North Carolinians are being admitted to….
Relapse Prevention Therapy Steps
Relapse prevention therapy is a type of therapy that aims at helping the recovering addict to cope with stressors that could potentially cause them to relapse. While relapse is a common occurrence for many addicts, relapse prevention therapy )RPT) can greatly reduce the chances of a relapse occurring because the recovering addict is already armed….
Alcohol can wreak havoc on health goals
Sometimes nothing sounds better after a long, hard day than an ice-cold Dos Equis or a glass of pinot noir. There’s also plenty of research to show that red wine is filled with antioxidants and can increase good cholesterol, while moderate alcohol consumption by men can lead to a decreased risk of heart attack. So….
Dangers of Prescription Drug Abuse
Prescription drug abuse is steadily worsening because as more pain, anxiety, or attention deficit disorder medications are disbursed for legitimate purposes, many are being diverted to sales on the street for profit. The prescription pill business is big business on the street with a vast amount of collaboration between users, dealers, and doctors. The rapid….
12-Step Treatment Programs and the Spiritual Foundation for Recovery
When Alcoholic’s Anonymous first began in the early 1930s, more than 75% of all addicts who took part in the program actually made a full recovery from their addiction to alcohol. These numbers are actually very high when compared with many of today’s current treatment modalities. Alcoholics Anonymous was the first to coin the 12-step….