Emmett Family Services
426 Highway 16
Emmett, ID 83617
(208) 365-2525
Who Answers?
426 Highway 16
Emmett, ID 83617
(208) 365-2525
Alcoholics who do not show they can stay sober outside hospital are expected to be offered liver transplants for the first time next month. A group of experts in liver disease will propose the change despite a shortage of organs. Under current guidelines, candidates for new livers have to show they can abstain from drink,….
Compared to other forms of drug use, teenage alcohol abuse rates have seen a gradual decline over the years, though present-day rates remain quite high. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism, as much as 30 percent of teenagers report drinking by the eighth grade with 54 percent reporting at least one….
Ever since the invention of alcohol and before the launch of new age treatment, people have been forced to rely upon traditional methods of achieving sobriety… everything from quitting cold turkey, to tooth grinding will power and “talk therapy” … and finally of course there’s the renowned 12 step programs introduced in the 1950s. AA….
Half-past three in the morning, and a snowy -2C outside, but at Newcastle General’s Accident and Emergency department the drunks still keep coming. Some are delivered unconscious on stretchers by exasperated ambulance crews; others stumble in, smeared in blood, and make angry demands before being restrained by security. In front of reception, a row of….
For many years people, treatment professionals, family members and the like have all believed that in order for an alcoholic to recover from the alcoholism they have to WANT to recover. It’s been believed that you can’t help an alcoholic until they are ready to accept the help – right? This statement couldn’t be further from the….
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