Akeela Inc Stepping Stones Womens Residential Facility
611 West 47th Avenue
Anchorage, AK 99503
(907) 569-0097
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611 West 47th Avenue
Anchorage, AK 99503
(907) 569-0097
True to its history of impaired judgment when it comes to handling alcohol, the Indiana General Assembly this year placed narrow business interests ahead of public welfare — and didn’t even do so evenhandedly. Regrettably, Gov. Mitch Daniels signed into law bills to expand Sunday hours for bars, give microbreweries a special dispensation to sell….
Take a look in your medicine cabinet — do you spot prescription pain medication? If so, are you contributing to the nation’s dramatic increase in irresponsible prescription drug use? According to the 2008 National Drug Control Strategies Report, 71 percent of prescription pain medication abusers obtained the drugs from family and friends. Among 12- to….
The state of Florida has long been a major gateway for moving illegal drugs into and throughout the United States. Add to this Florida’s proximity to drug-producing countries and ongoing shipment hauls and it’s no wonder substance abuse rates continue to climb within the state. Fortunately, anyone who finds him or herself battling a drug….
Nearly half of students at four-year colleges do it regularly (and, it’s not sex). Rather, it’s binge drinking — downing five or more alcoholic drinks at a sitting. “People have a hard time identifying alcohol as a drug,” said Jenny Hwang, associate dean of students and director of the counseling center at Stony Brook University….
Drinking is a rite of passage for the typical college student. Pat doesn’t know what normal is, so he drinks to try to feel that way. He struggles with sobriety every day. This is his third try and he hopes it will work this time. His relationship with alcohol began when the drinking age was….
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