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Living With An Alcoholic

Alcoholism is a disease that plagues America. It is often known as a family disease because it affects the whole family, not just the drinker. It can be tough for non-drinkers to live in the same home as the alcoholic. Often the family tries to deny the problem and continue to pretend that their chaos is normal. Its best not to be consumed determining whether or not someone is an alcoholic. The focus should be on how the drinker treats the family.

If the alcoholic is mistreating family members, those family members should seek counseling for the mistreatment. As difficult as it may be, the focus needs to be on the negative behavior, not on the alcoholism. It’s not as important to make the alcoholic seek help, as it is to seek counseling for those being mistreated. The mistreatment should not be tolerated, even when followed by sincere and / or pitiful apologies. Alcoholics can often seem to have a split personality. Sometimes they are very caring, other times, they are very abusive.

If someone is suspected to be an alcoholic an intervention may be needed. A treatment program can help with this through the aid of a professional alcohol counselor. The counselor will call a surprise meeting where the alcoholic’s family, closest friends, and sometimes coworkers confront the alcoholic about their behavior. While this doesn’t always work, it is often the only choice besides cutting off contact with the alcoholic.

Sometimes the alcoholic may realize that they have a problem. They may realize that they are mistreating loved ones, that they are not reflecting their true selves with their behavior, or that their life is organized around drinking. These realizations demonstrate a need for treatment. It’s not important if it’s a curable disease or a bunch of changeable behaviors. What is important is life. A common place for an alcoholic to seek help is Alcoholics Anonymous or AA. It is a support group for men and women who want to recover from alcoholism through sharing experiences, personal strength, and hope.

It may be difficult to accept that the alcoholic’s family has a problem too. Accepting abuse is a problem. Abuse is never deserved. It’s normal to be angry. Change can’t be expected where it’s not given. Alanon, or Alateen for younger members, is a support group for family and friends of alcoholics. No matter the relationship to the alcoholic, or whether or not they are still drinking, these support groups aim to offer solutions and serenity.

If reading this article makes someone wonder if they are in an alcoholic family, they probably are and should talk to someone about how alcohol is hurting them.

source: Informative Post

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