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Binge drinking may affect working memory
Students desiring to excel at school or work may wish to forego binge drinking, research by Spanish scientists suggests.
The study, published online ahead of print in the November issue of Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, finds binge drinkers expend more attentional effort to completing a given task, and have problems differentiating between relevant and irrelevant information.
The study looked at 95 first-year male and female university students. Of these, 42 were binge drinkers — defined as males who drink five or more standard alcohol drinks or females who drink four or more within a two-hour period.
The researchers find binge drinkers showed anomalies during the execution of a task involving visual working memory not shown by the 53 non-binge drinkers.
“One of the most relevant and worrying aspects of the high prevalence of intense consumption of alcohol in young people is the effect this drinking pattern probably has on the structure and function of the still developing brain, and that these consequences may persist in the long-term,” study corresponding author Alberto Crego, a doctoral student at the University of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, Spain, says in a statement.
“Some neuromaturation processes continue until approximately 25 years of age; this means that late developing regions are probably even more vulnerable targets.”
Compared to drug addiction treatment rates, alcoholism is the most untreated disease in the U.S., according to the Florida Institute of Technology. On average, only 1 out of every 36 people suffering from alcoholism actually gets help. Though alcoholism is officially classified as a disease, it’s a treatable condition. Alcohol treatment centers specialize in applying….
Are you wondering if you should seek outpatient treatment rather than inpatient treatment? There are many factors that you must consider when you begin searching for treatment centers such as the level of your addiction, the level of support that you have at home, and also the type of addiction that you suffer from. If….
Half of Britain’s young adults first got drunk before the age of 15, according to a study which warns that liver disease could become one of the biggest killers as a result of the country’s binge drinking culture. The survey, commissioned by the London Clinic in Harley Street, shows that 48 per cent of those….
Concerns about alcohol abuse have been making headlines this week. A woman who drinks two glasses of wine every day is at risk for developing liver trouble, a doctor says. A woman who drinks two glasses of wine every day is at risk for developing liver trouble, a doctor says. First, the Indian state of….
It’s not easy to be a recovering alcoholic who is also Jewish. It’s hard enough for someone to admit having a problem with alcohol, let alone having to buck long-standing cultural and religions traditions to find sobriety. Helping people overcome these unique challenges is the goal of Jewish Family Service (JFS). With offices located in….