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Private Addiction Treatment: Your Best Value

You may think that private addiction treatment is too expensive, that you can’t afford it or that it can’t possibly be that much better than a similar public treatment program but do you know the true value of private addiction treatment? Do you know that private addiction treatment is your best chance at getting the help, hope and support that you need to recover from addiction to drugs or alcohol? Despite the fact that both private and public addiction treatment programs have the same goals to help you break away from addiction to drugs or alcohol, they don’t always offer the same value.

Private addiction treatment has many advantages and despite the higher cost, most of the time, these advantages alone are enough to make you change your thinking about it all. Private addiction treatment provides many of the same treatments that public treatment programs offer but you can also expect to get the following valuable services at private addiction treatment programs:

  • low patient to counselor ratio – you can expect to have more opportunities to speak with your counselor in private treatment that you probably would in a public program. This is because these programs have lower ratios of patients to counselors. The ability to have more one-on-one time means that you will probably gain more out of counseling and it will be faster.
  • Fewer patients in the facility – you can expect to have fewer people in the treatment program with you. Most private programs have limited access and because of the ratios of patients to counselors and therapists being kept low, you can expect to have a less crowded environment than what you would have in public treatment.
  • More opportunities for various methods of treatment – you can expect to have many different opportunities for treatment. You may be able to take part in exercise programs, art programs, equine therapy, various types of group counseling, trust building activities, and free time. Most of the time, private drug addiction treatment offers more opportunity for varied levels of care and treatment than a standard public program would.
  • Quality aftercare – you can expect to receive follow-up care from a private treatment program that is very well defined and helpful. Some public programs do not even offer aftercare but most private programs provide you with access to support and a range of aftercare services that are aimed at helping you to remain sober.

Many private addiction treatment programs are offered throughout the country. They provide treatment for drug and alcohol addiction, dual diagnosis, and mental health conditions to get you on the right track to health and wellness. These programs have many benefits and provide you with the added value of quality, support, & plenty of opportunities for success. For help finding a private addiction treatment program, call 1-888-885-4616 to speak with a treatment specialist today. We can help you find a private treatment center that will provide you with quality care.

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