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Teenagers and Alcohol Abuse: What are the Risks?
There are many risks involved with underage drinking. Possibly the scariest is the lack of understanding about alcohol and what it does to the body. Underage drinkers have no concept of the damage drinking too much can have or even what constitutes “a drink”. 14 grams of pure alcohol is a standard drink: which is….
How much is too much alcohol?
One night of binge drinking, while seemingly harmless, may end up killing you. Gastroenterologist Benny Ang said that most men can stomach two units of alcohol – two beers, two shots of whisky or two glasses of wine – a day. For most women, their limit is one unit of alcohol a day. Exceed that,and….
Holistic ADHD Treatment Options
Finding alternative treatments for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can be risky and frustrating. No conclusive medical evidence currently exists that supports holistic ADHD treatment options, but this should not stop you from investigating non-traditional methods in conjunction with a licensed medical professional. There are promising studies (Mayo Clinic) that are bringing hope to families….
A.A.’s ‘Big Book’ celebrates 70 years
Gail L.’s hands rest on the old red book on a table in front of her. The book, she tells you, saved her life and gave her ”a life worth saving.” It is ”God’s story of his love for the alcoholic,” she says. Seven decades ago this month, Alcoholics Anonymous, also called the Big Book,….
Helping To Improve PMPs – Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs – Through A Federally-Supported PMP Center Of Excellence
With overdoses and deaths involving the use of prescription drugs skyrocketing in the United States, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has selected the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University to host a new initiative to reduce diversion and abuse of these drugs: the PMP Center of Excellence. Funded through a training….