BHcare formally Harbor Health Services Substance Abuse Clinic
14 Sycamore Way
Branford, CT 06405
(203) 483-2630
Intake: (203) 483-2650x245
Who Answers?
14 Sycamore Way
Branford, CT 06405
(203) 483-2630
Intake: (203) 483-2650x245
A survey conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) research consortium found that the United States had among the highest lifetime rates of tobacco and alcohol use and led in the proportion of participants reporting cannabis (marijuana) or cocaine use at least once during their lifetime. The study, led by Dr. Louisa Degenhardt of the….
Anyone who’s battled a heroin addiction well knows how hard this drug can be on the body. While the “highs” from heroin may feel great, the lows can be equally painful. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, in 2011, as many as 4.2 million Americans reported having used heroin on at least one….
For many patients, the role of patient confidentiality in drug treatment centers goes far beyond the scope of simply keeping their past problems and medical situation at bay. For some, patient confidentiality is more a matter of keeping everything about them a secret to assure that their privacy is respected 100%. In drug treatment centers,….
According to a novel research, the popular advertising approach relying on guilt or shame to stamp out drinking habits and bring out good behavior can backfire, goading people to consume more liquor. Nidhi Agrawal, an expert in consumer psychology at Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management, and co-author of the study stated, “That’s what blows my….
Teenager Catherine Woollard will be legally allowed to drink for the first time this week – but, for her, the novelty of alcohol wore off years ago. Set to celebrate her 18th birthday tomorrow, she began drinking at the age of 12 following the sudden death of her grandmother. By the time she was 16,….
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