You Can’t Help an Alcoholic Until They’re Ready – Right?
For many years people, treatment professionals, family members and the like have all believed that in order for an alcoholic to recover from the alcoholism they have to WANT to recover. It’s been believed that you can’t help an alcoholic until they are ready to accept the help – right?
This statement couldn’t be further from the truth!
Although it may be easier to help an alcoholic that actually wants to get better, the truth is that even if the addict doesn’t necessarily want the help, attending an alcohol treatment center can be a very beneficial factor in their recovery and can actually change their outlook on recovery all together. The fact is, many alcoholics do not even realize that they have a problem which means that they will naturally deny help if it is offered. After all, who wants help when there isn’t a problem to be helped with?
Here’s a look at why you should not rely on an alcoholic to WANT the help before offering treatment and also why many alcoholics will refuse treatment but after being admitted into an alcohol treatment center still go on to make a full recovery:
Control Factors
Alcoholics do not realize that they have a problem and even if they do, a lack of control makes them deny the problem. Nobody wants to feel like they are out of control of their own functions but unfortunately, alcoholism causes the addict to experience a loss of control which prevents them from stopping the drinking habit on their own. Additionally, alcoholics will refuse treatment because they just plain don’t think that they need it.
Alcoholics will make every excuse in the book to prevent from accepting the fact that they are out of control of their alcoholism and that they need help. Part of all programs offered at treatment centers includes helping an addict to realize that they are out of control to a sense and need help. Most alcoholics will make excuses for irrational behavior and attempt to rationalize with you about the behavior to make it seem better or less destructive. This doesn’t mean that you have to accept the behavior as normal nor do you stop trying to get the alcoholic to go into treatment. Just because an alcoholic rationalizes about their drinking habits does not make them unable to get treatment.
Hitting Rock Bottom
Finally, alcoholics do not have to hit rock bottom before they can get help. You may think that they do, you may think that they will actually want treatment once they hit rock bottom but this is not always true. When an alcoholic does hit rock bottom a number of things may occur. The addict may ask for treatment, they may decide it can’t get any worse and continue to deny help and keep drinking or they could die. Ultimately, even if an addict doesn’t want to go into an alcohol treatment center they can still be treated and make a full recovery from alcohol addiction.