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Book Explores World of High-Functioning Alcoholics
A new book provides insights into the lives of so-called “high-functioning alcoholics” and the special challenges faced by those who need treatment but lack the impetus of hitting rock-bottom, the New York Times reported May 4.Sarah Allen Benton, author of “Understanding the High-Functioning Alcoholic,” offers herself as an example: she holds a Master’s degree from….
Bracelet monitors offenders' alcohol intake
Like a protective Big Brother, Northwest Kansas Community Corrections has an arsenal of gadgets it uses to monitor the behavior of the inmates it oversees. One of the most promising up-and-coming devices being used is the Scram alcohol monitoring bracelet. Worn on the ankle, the bracelet uses samples of insensible perspiration through the skin to….
Older alcoholics ‘drink more’
Older alcoholics knock back far more than younger ones, and for those over 60 that means an average of 42.5 drinks every week, a US study released found today. The research, led by Linda Ginzer of Ohio State University and carried out in late November by the Gerontology Society of America, examined data from 43,000….
Study Finds that Most Addicts are Not Receiving the Best Treatment
Anyone who has dealt closely with addiction knows that it is a terrible disease. Those who live with addiction struggle with temptation, shame and guilt as a result of their addiction to a point in which is totally disrupts any chance at a normal lifestyle. Treatment for addiction is based on medical approaches, scientific advancements….
Top 10 Signs of Addiction
Are you concerned that a loved one is addicted to drugs and/or alcohol? If so, you must know the signs and symptoms of addiction, as this will allow you to pinpoint the problem and eventually get this person the help he or she needs. Some signs of addiction are easy to see, while others can….