to speak with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor.
Who Answers?
Virginia Treatment Centers
Virginia AA Meetings
Virginia AA Area 71
Virginia AA Area 71 District Meetings
Northern Virginia Intergroup
AA in Central Virginia
Al-Anon Family Groups
Virginia Al-Anon / Alateen
Northern Virginia Al-Anon
Mental Health Services
Virginia Dept. of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
Mental Health America of Virginia
Henrico County, VA Mental Health & Developmental Services
Chesterfield County, VA Mental Health Support Services
Anonymous Groups
Central Atlantic Region NA
Blue Ridge Area NA
Dulles Corridor Area of NA
Cocaine Anonymous – Northern Virginia
Marijuana Anonymous – Virginia
Virginia Sex Addicts Anonymous
Virginia Gamblers Anonymous – call (434) 563-6694
Virginia Helplines
STD/AIDS Hotline – call (800) 533-4148
Virginia Suicide – 866-4-U-TREVOR
Child Abuse / Neglect Hotline – call 800-552-7096
State Elder Abuse Hotlines – call 888-83-ADULT
Virginia Rape Crisis Center Hotline – call (205) 323-7273
Teen helpline – call 800-SAY,TEEN
Treatment & Detox Guide
A recent survey found that the number of people who have entered treatment for addiction to benzos such as Valium and Xanax as well as narcotic painkillers such as Oxycodone has increased more than 500% in the past ten years. The overall increase in substance abuse treatment admissions during this period of time was just….
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All Edward Davilla Jr. wants for Christmas is to remain sober. “I want my kids’ mother to be able to tell them something nice about me,” Davilla said. “I want them to be able to trust their dad.” It’s been 17 months since Davilla took a swig of alcohol. He’s managed to stay off the….
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Biggest barrier often mother’s guilt over drinking alcohol during pregnancy, says woman with affected son Alone and grieving the deaths of three close friends, Annette Cutknife drank for all nine months of her pregnancy. A college student at the time, she didn’t care what would happen, but the moment her son was born, she knew….
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There is little doubt that compulsive shopping can cause severe impairment and distress, two key criteria for formal recognition as a mental disorder. But the rest remains up for grabs: Is compulsive shopping a biologically driven disease of the brain, a learned habit run amok, an addiction in its own right or a symptom of….
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Miller Jordan Jr. never gave up on his only son. The Clarke Central High School assistant principal tried for years to get treatment for Miller Jordan III’s mental illness. But the younger Jordan stabbed his father and grandfather to death Dec. 30 – hours after doctors sent Jordan home from a hospital where he told….
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