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Challenges in Drug Treatment
No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, there will still be challenges in drug treatment that can cause some bumps in the road. Even the most dedicated, most willing and most ready to get sober individual will find drug treatment to be a challenging process that takes strength to carry on—but….
Stressed Diggers turning to alcohol on return from front line
ALCOHOL has become the treatment of choice for an unfortunate number of Australian troops left traumatised by their service in East Timor, Afghanistan and Iraq. Taxpayers are now funding rehabilitation and sometimes compensation for their addiction, not to mention attempts to break it, as troops return from mostly dry operations to deal with their problems….
Dual diagnosis
The mental state of the person affects greatly the immune power of his body to external addictions and also unacceptable extreme behavior. If an individual is not sound mentally, then there are chances of him getting addicted to harmful things and destroying his life completely. Dual diagnosis occurs to the people who are both….
Alcohol, When Enough Is Enough
Not all alcohol abusers look or act alike. Nor do they start on the road to alcoholism the same way or share the same set of problems. What they have in common is that they are all, in some way, damaging their lives. There are many ways to be diagnosed as being alcohol dependent. Alcohol….
Narcotics Anonymous
Narcotic anonymous was started in the late 1940’s, which sprang up from the “Alcoholics Anonymous Program”. Narcotics Anonymous is an “international community-based association”, whose prime goal is of “recovering drug addicts”. The narcotics anonymous is spread across “127 countries worldwide” and has conducted more than “43,900 weekly meetings”. This association is based on a “non….