Daily limits on alcohol consumption are meaningless and potentially harmful, experts have warned. The government says men should drink no more than three to four units per day and women no more than two to three. Liver specialist Dr Nick Sheron, of the Alcohol Health Alliance UK, says these limits were devised by civil servants….
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Ever since the invention of alcohol and before the launch of new age treatment, people have been forced to rely upon traditional methods of achieving sobriety… everything from quitting cold turkey, to tooth grinding will power and “talk therapy” … and finally of course there’s the renowned 12 step programs introduced in the 1950s. AA….
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There are many benefits to private addiction treatment but that doesn’t necessarily mean that this method of treatment is the right action for everyone who is addicted to drugs or alcohol. Many people cannot afford private addiction treatment and for others, the utmost privacy that is provided in these programs is simply more than necessary….
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Here are some sobering statistics for Madison County parents. # Madison County is in the top 10 counties in the state for underage DUI risks, says Patsy Hillard of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence of Central Mississippi. # While the national average is age 13 for children to start using alcohol and….
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Older alcoholics tend to drink heavily more often than younger people, study finds. Older people who are problem drinkers consume more alcohol than their younger counterparts, a new report finds, possibly because they need more alcohol to achieve the same effect. According to a study released this month, people dependent on alcohol who are older….
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