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Treatment & Detox Guide
The new smoking ban battleground: detox clinics
Derek Laughlin, a 40-year-old former crack addict from Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, found the cravings unbearable. Hours into treatment last year at a Surrey, B.C., short-term detox centre, on a staff-supervised walk around the block, he fell behind the group to search the pavement for discarded cigarette butts. Overcoming his crack habit was tough, but simultaneously….
Program to Improve Opioid Dependance Treatment
Reckitt Benckiser Pharmaceuticals has launched Here to Help, an unique patient support program designed to improve outcomes for people in opioid dependence treatment with SUBOXONE (buprenorphine HCl/naloxone HCl dihydrate [2 mg/0.5 mg and 8 mg/2 mg]) C-III Sublingual Tablets. By focusing on coaching and education of patients and caregivers, Here to Help is designed to….
Enterhealth Introduces Alcohol Recovery Treatment
A new, advanced approach to treating alcohol and drug addiction will become available next week to a nation- and world-wide clientele with the opening of the Enterhealth Life Recovery Center, located near Dallas. Enterhealth will introduce a comprehensive residential treatment approach that includes addiction/behavioral diagnosis, neurotherapy, medication therapies, and enhanced support through an online e-learning….
Alcoholics affect everyone but help is available
Ann’s husband is an alcoholic. Spouses of alcoholics have two options — they can leave the alcoholic or they can seek help and understanding in order to live with the person they love. Ann chose the second option. For several years Ann has been attending Al-Anon. Ann is not her real name and her identity….
Lotus Therapy, a New Old Path
The patient sat with his eyes closed, submerged in the rhythm of his own breathing, and after a while noticed that he was thinking about his troubled relationship with his father. “I was able to be there, present for the pain,” he said, when the meditation session ended. “To just let it be what it….