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Codeine the silent addiction
The term ‘heroin addiction’ conjures up images of the down and out, malnourished and skeletal, banging up drugs in a backdrop of squalor with a dirty syringe full of god knows what; a tatty piece of cord-turned-tourniquet, clenched between the teeth with its distal end inflating the last surviving veins. An arm ravaged by years….
How many alcoholics who get help stay sober?
It’s hard to say. Data on the effectiveness of treatment programs is scarce, but Idaho has just started to track some patients. Reliable information is practically nonexistent on whether alcoholics who go through treatment stay off alcohol in the long run, says Patrick Neeser, coordinator of a Boise outpatient treatment center. “There’s very few long-term….
Drinking ourselves to death
We’ve all heard the sermons and lectures. It is generally agreed that drinking alcohol – in excess – can be self-damaging. However very few of us know, or even pause to consider – how much is too much? For most of us, the post-party hangovers, scrapes and empty wallets are the only gauge of our….
Is 18 too young to drink a beer?
Is 18 too young to drink a beer? A group of college and university presidents and administrators have called for a public debate to rethink the legal drinking age in the United States. Some of them openly support lowering the age to 18 from 21; others are truly looking for help in dealing with a….
Youth access to alcohol hurts all Montanans
In Montana, underage drinking is often thought of as a “rite of passage” that every teen goes through. It is seen as a harmless pastime. The exact opposite is true; this “harmless pastime” contributes to more deaths among our youth than any other preventable cause. Recent studies in brain development show that the human brain….