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Binge Drinking Due To 'Copying' Behavior
The rise in binge drinking in the young is a “fashion phenomenon” where drinkers are copying their associates’ behaviour, new research has shown. A study conducted at Durham University’s Institute of Advanced Study and Volterra Consulting UK shows that social networking is a key factor in the spread of the rapid consumption of large amounts….
An entirely different life
Alcoholics Anonymous helps local man find sobriety, happiness Tom has been sober for 27 years, but the road to recovery was far from easy. “It’s still one day at a time,” he said. “The only person that can say you’re an alcoholic is the person themselves.” Every day is a struggle. “I will always been….
What is an Intervention & How Does it Work
Alcohol and drug addictions can take a considerable toll on the addict as well as the people in the addict’s life. By its very nature, addiction sets a person up to deny its existence as a problem, so loved ones are already at a disadvantage when trying to help an addict change his or her….
Dangers of alcohol energy drinks discussed
They’re sweet like sodas, but pack the kick of caffeine. They also contain from 5 to 12 percent alcohol. And they are hard to tell apart from energy drinks. But they’re alcohol energy drinks, an emerging problem with young people nationally as well as locally, Dr. Charles McCart, a Mercy Medical Center emergency room doctor,….
Mental issues beset young adults
CHICAGO — Almost one in five young American adults has a personality disorder that interferes with everyday life, and even more abuse alcohol or drugs, researchers reported Monday in the most extensive study of its kind.The disorders include problems such as obsessive or compulsive tendencies and anti-social behavior that can sometimes lead to violence. The….