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Heroin Hits the Suburbs Hard Amid Wave of Drug Abuse by Teens and 20-Somethings

When the vomiting, tremors, and chills she felt each morning became overwhelming, Jessica Polmann started selling her body to finance her heroin addiction and halt the debilitating physical symptoms of withdrawal. The petite, blond cheerleader, who made the honor roll before she started doing heroin at age 13, received $60 and some cigarettes each time….
PTSD doubles the rates of addiction: Early detection is important for a healthy life

“Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that can occur after you have been through a traumatic event. A traumatic event is something horrible and scary that you see or that happens to you. During this type of event, you think that your life or others’ lives are in danger. You may feel afraid….
Alcohol and nicotine — an addictive link
Before you take your next drink or smoke that cigarette, consider this: alcohol and tobacco are among the top causes of preventable deaths in the United States. It’s not surprising that these substances are often used together. In fact, the results of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism’s 2001-2002 National Epidemiologic Survey on….
How does narcotics anonymous work?
“Narcotics anonymous” is a non-profit organization, whose members recover from their addiction meeting regularly to share their experiences of recovery with others. In general, the senior members of this organization individually help the new members. Anyone with a desire to give up his or her addiction is free to join this organization. The funds are….
5 Poor Excuses Not to Get Treatment for Addiction

Not getting treatment for addiction is a very poor and irresponsible decision. Alcoholism ranks as the third leading lifestyle- related cause of death, according to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. Within any given year, as many as 80,000 people die from alcohol abuse disorders. On average, each death represents 30 years of life….