ADHD is a mental disorder, which largely affects the small children. Children with ADHD tend to be very impulsive, hyperactive and are not able to concentrate well on their work. Therefore, Children with ADHD show poor performance at school, which can hamper their academic performance. Usually small kids do behave in similar pattern as that….
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There are many misconceived ideas about addiction that lead people to make poor choices or to overlook certain consequences when addiction is a factor. Though addiction is a science that is continuously being addressed, many of the original ideas and perceptions about this disease continue to stick around in the minds of both those addicted….
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The epidemic of prescription drug use is a serious one. Most people that abuse prescription drugs are doing so without a doctor’s approval. They are using their medication in other ways other than prescribed by a doctor. Some may also be getting it from someone else. This can lead to drug dependence and addiction. According….
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A new study of young adults in nine European countries found that nearly one in four women and one in three men deliberately engage in binge drinking and drug use to improve their chances of sex. The study also found that young people were more at risk of unsafe sex while under the influence of….
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Call it the chicken-and-egg debate of the addiction world: Cocaine addicts are known for being frenetic, but which came first, the behavior or the habit? New research indicates that, at least in rats, it’s the behavior that begets addiction. What’s more, the study has pinpointed the character trait–impulsiveness–that is responsible for developing true drug dependence…..
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