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Treatment & Detox Guide
Recognizing Addiction Signs Early
If you are concerned that a loved one may have a drinking problem or a problem with substance abuse, you’re not alone. Recognizing the warning signs of drug or alcohol abuse early on can make a major difference when it comes to the length of time that it takes for the user to get well….
Moving on: a life after alcohol
Caroline knew she’d reached the pits of despair as an alcoholic when her mother threatened to disown her. Downing five bottles of wine each night was par for the course – and she had no hope and no job. The Whitstable woman’s battle to stay sober is now fought a day at a time. Caroline….
Binge Drinking Not Just a Rite of the Young
Older alcoholics tend to drink heavily more often than younger people, study finds. Older people who are problem drinkers consume more alcohol than their younger counterparts, a new report finds, possibly because they need more alcohol to achieve the same effect. According to a study released this month, people dependent on alcohol who are older….
GPs to screen pre-teens for alcohol abuse
All children from the age of 10 are to be routinely asked by GPs how much alcohol they drink. New guidelines expected from the government’s health watchdog will recommend that family doctors screen youngsters for alcohol abuse on their first appointment or during routine visits. The guidelines aim to curb the health damage caused by….
Residential treatment centers
The Residential treatment centers provide treatment against addiction of drugs or alcohol. In Residential treatment centers patient stays in a conductive environment with constant help and supervision from the staff. Recovery from any addiction requires changes in behaviors and reactions. A Residential treatment centers is best choice to overcome any kind of addiction. The staff….