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Stop Drinking Now…7 Tips to Alcohol Recovery
Drinking Alcohol is a serious health issue and affects almost everyone in one way or another, so this article will help guide you towards a guaranteed method of quitting this forsaken addiction. If you feel that this subject may affect you or somebody you know, then please read on with an open mind as you….
Say No to alcohol
The alcohol problem in Mauritius is a serious one and is considered as a burden for the Ministry of Health. A survey carried out recently reveals that 50% of male adults and 28% of women adults consume alcohol while there were 15% young adults who take it more than once a week. Moreover, around 45%….
Alcoholic turns to faith for help
John Baker is a quiet, unassuming man. When he says he deserves no credit for starting Celebrate Recovery, a Christian 12-step program now in 12,000 churches, he means it. Baker, who is in Tulsa this weekend for a Celebrate Recovery leadership training seminar, was raised in a Christian home and said he accepted Christ when….
Recovering Alcoholic Mothers
There are more than two-and-a-half million women alcoholics in America, and many of them are mothers. Two bravely shared their struggles with ABC 7 in the hopes that other moms will get the help that can save them and their families Rebecca Zimmerman was 77 days sober when ABC 7’s Greta Kreuz visited her and….
Driving After Binge Drinking More Common Than Believed
Nearly one in eight binge drinkers say they get behind the wheel and drive within two hours of drinking, U.S. government researchers report. The new research adds a timeline and other new information to what’s known about drinking and driving, said study author Dr. Timothy Naimi, a physician with the alcohol team at the U.S…..