Illinois Treatment Centers
- Addison
- Alton
- Anna
- Arlington Heights
- Aurora
- Barrington
- Bartlett
- Bartonville
- Beardstown
- Belleville
- Bensenville
- Berwyn
- Bloomingdale
- Bloomington
- Blue Island
- Bolingbrook
- Bourbonnais
- Broadview
- Buffalo Grove
- Cairo
- Calumet City
- Canton
- Carbondale
- Carlyle
- Carmi
- Carol Stream
- Carpentersville
- Carthage
- Cary
- Caseyville
- Centralia
- Champaign
- Charleston
- Chester
- Chicago
Illinois AA Meetings
Alcoholics Anonymous meetings take place in all major cities and towns throughout the state of Illinois provide hope, support and care for those who are addicted to alcohol. To find a meeting near you and see how much 12 step meetings can help you when it comes to turning your life around and making a full recovery, visit one of the following local chapters of AA:
Chicago Area 19 Alcoholics Anonymous
AA Southern Illinois District 18
Southern Illinois AA District 17
Southern Illinois AA District 16
District 64 Aurora, North Aurora & Sugar Grove
Al-Anon Family Groups
Al-Anon groups offer supportive care for those who have become the victims of a loved one’s alcoholism. Family members, children, teens, and adults can get support and guidance for recovery from co-dependence and the consequences that a loved one’s alcoholism has had on them.
Northern Illinois Al-Anon / Alateen
Mental Health Services
Mental Health Illinois – referrals, directory of local professionals and treatment for mental illness in Illinois.
Illinois Department of Human Services Mental Health provides assistance and supportive tools for mental health and wellness.
Chicago and Illinois Mental Health Agencies and Organizations – a comprehensive database of mental health providers, organizations and treatment centers in Illinois and Greater Chicago.
City of Chicago Mental Health Services
Anonymous Groups
Chicagoland Region of NA – Narcotics Anonymous meetings in Chicago
Greater Illinois Region of NA – Narcotics Anonymous meetings in Greater Illinois.
Quad Cities of NA – Narcotics Anonymous meetings in the Quad City area.
Cocaine Anonymous – Cocaine Anonymous meetings in the Chicago and Illinois area.
Marijuana Anonymous Illinois – 12 Step support for those suffering from marijuana addiction.
Illinois Gambling Help – Help for compulsive gamblers in Illinois.
Chicago Sexahloics Anonymous – Sex addiction support groups helping residents of Chicago and surrounding areas.
Illinois Helplines
AIDS help, call (800) 243-2437
Crisis Intervention Unit call (630) 627-1700
Suicide Prevention & Crisis Service – if you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, call (217) 222-1166
Child Abuse Hotline – if you know a child who has been abused, suspect a case of child abuse or you are the victim of child abuse, call (800) 25-ABUSE
Domestic Violence Agencies by City – a complete list of Domestic Violence agencies and support services in Illinois by city.