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Treatment & Detox Guide

Church fights for alcoholics centre

Highland Council plans to slash inverness Beechwood House funding by £200,000 next year Church leaders yesterday joined the fight to keep open the only 24-hour centre for alcoholics in Inverness. Inverness Presbytery is calling on the agencies involved in Beechwood House to work together to allow it to continue. It came as a Highlands and….

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Professionals Are Drinking The Working Classes Under The Table

Britain’s alcohol epidemic is being fuelled by stressed middle-class drinkers, it was revealed yesterday. As figures showed drink-related deaths more than doubling since the early 1990s, research also revealed that white- collar workers are more likely to consume alcohol every day than the working classes. Most admit their heaviest drinking is done at home, with….

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Binge-drinking teens on track for disaster

As always, I had a great time at Courtenay’s Island Music Fest this past weekend, and I don’t want what I’m about to say to be taken as criticism of what is a summer highlight for my family. But holy moly, there was some out-of-control drinking going on up there. There were kids drinking so….

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Fears rise as binge drinking among youths increases

binge drinking problems

Significant increases in youth binge drinking and hospitalizations has government officials worried. Experts are considering new methods to prevent German children from harming themselves through consuming alcohol. Alcohol has been a socially accepted and legalized drug in most parts of the world since humans first learned the secrets of fermentation. But there’s a rapidly growing….

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