to speak with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor.
Who Answers?
Delaware Treatment Centers
Delaware AA Meetings
Northern Delaware Intergroup – For help finding Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in the Northern Delaware area.
Southern Delaware Intergroup – A comprehensive list of AA meetings taking place throughout Southern Delaware.
Central Delaware Intergroup – Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in Central Delaware.
Al-Anon Family Groups
Al-Anon groups provide help and support to the families of those suffering from alcoholism. For a complete listing of meetings in the Delaware and Northeast Maryland area, visit AL-Anon Delaware.
Mental Health Services
The Delaware Morrow Mental Health and Recovery Services provides access to local mental health services, treatment and support.
Rockford Center
Delaware Guidance Services-Children
MeadowWood Behavioral Health
Anonymous Groups
Narcotics Anonymous meetings in Delaware.
Cocaine Anonymous meetings for those in recovery from cocaine addiction.
Delware Council on Gambling Problems offers help to compulsive gamblers.
Diamond State Overeaters Anonymous offers hope and help to those who suffer from eating disorders.
Delaware Helplines
AIDS Hotline – call (800) 422-0429
Gamblers Anonymous – Delware – call (800) 464-4357
Kent / Sussex Mobile Crisis Unit – call 800-345-6785
New Castle CMHC Mobile Crisis Intervention Service – call 800-652-2929
Treatment & Detox Guide
“I am confused about life, it seems like no one understands me, especially my parents, it seems that I live in two different worlds…i will always rebel, I don’t care about the punishments, because they can’t take away my freedom…”, now who do you think is this poem about? Yes, a teenager, a “troubled teen”…..
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Patients in therapy to overcome addictions have a new arena to test their coping skills—the virtual world. A new study by University of Houston Associate Professor Patrick Bordnick found that a virtual reality (VR) environment can provide the climate necessary to spark an alcohol craving so that patients can practice how to say “no” in….
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John Baker is a quiet, unassuming man. When he says he deserves no credit for starting Celebrate Recovery, a Christian 12-step program now in 12,000 churches, he means it. Baker, who is in Tulsa this weekend for a Celebrate Recovery leadership training seminar, was raised in a Christian home and said he accepted Christ when….
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A recent report issued by the World Health Organization has found that alcohol is more deadly than AIDS and violence as well as various other conditions such as tuberculosis. It is estimated that 4% of all deaths that occur worldwide are caused by alcohol. Such alarming statistics give rise to the need for more alcohol….
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With weight loss or avoiding weight gain as the primary goal, bulimia drives many women (and a few men) to take drastic measures to attain an “ideal” body weight. According to Harvard Health Publications, an estimated one out of every 100 women will develop bulimia in their lifetime, whereas bulimia rates for men equal one-tenth….
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