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How much is too much alcohol?
For Filipinos, no celebration is complete without an abundance of food and alcohol drinks. This is clearly evident during the long Holiday season in the country, with Filipinos partying almost weekly until Christmas or New Year’s day. Experts, however, warn that people should take stock of the harm social bingeing and the occasional or regular….
Cancer- during treatment
Cancer is a deadly disease and therefore, naturally, on diagnosing cancer in an individual, can make him hyperactive and depressed. Many patients are likely to be tensed during their entire cancer treatment process. Therefore, here are some tips, discussed below, which will help the patient undergo his treatment comfortably. Mostly, the side effects of the….
Researchers see promise in treating addictive behaviors with mindfulness meditation
When the stresses of life become too much for him, Ken Volante takes a figurative step back and tries out being SOBER. That “nice little trick,” as he describes it, is the backbone of mindfulness meditation and it helps him remain sober. It’s a series of steps that allows him to cope with the cravings….
5 Signs Your Teen Needs Eating Disorder Treatment
Eating disorders frequently appear first during the teen years, but may develop during childhood or at any time of life. Eating disorders can be caused by genetic, biological, behavioral, psychological, and social factors. Girls are more than two and a half times as likely as boys to have an eating disorder. Common eating disorders include….
Time for Drug Treatment to Rattle Its Saber
In an effort to recast substance abuse as more of a public health problem than a crime, the nation’s newly appointed drug czar has called for an end to talk of a “war on drugs.” “Regardless of how you try to explain to people it’s a ‘war on drugs’ or a ‘war on a product,’….