to speak with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor.
Who Answers?
Colorado Treatment Centers
Colorado AA Meetings
For help finding local Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and groups that can offer support and care during your recovery, visit a local chapter of AA. The following websites offer additional information on Colorado Alcoholics Anonymous meetings:
Colorado AA
Denver AA
Boulder AA
Northern Colorado – Ft. Collins AA
Colorado Springs AA
Southern Colorado – Pueblo AA
Western Colorado – Grand Junstion AA
Al-Anon Family Groups
Families and loved ones suffer greatly as a result of alcoholism. Even those who don’t drink can suffer undue stress or harm as a direct result of a loved one’s alcohol addiction. Al-Anon family groups provide supportive care for those involved. Local groups can be found throughout Colorado:
Colorado Al-Anon / Alateen
Colorado Al-Anon / Alateen Meetings – More than 280 Al-Anon and Alateen meetings in the state of Colorado.
Mental Health Services
The Colorado Department of Human Services & Community Behavioral Health provides helpful resources for residents in need of mental or behavioral health treatment.
Mental Health Center of Denver
Jefferson Center for Mental Health
Aurora Mental Health Center
Highlands Behavioral Health System
Anonymous Groups
The Colorado Region of Narcotics Anonymous provides a comprehensive database of local NA meetings taking place in various parts of Colorado.
Cocaine Anonymous Colorado features a number of local meetings for those suffering from cocaine addiction.
Marijuana Anonymous Colorado provides a comprehensive database of Marijuana Anonymous meetings taking place throughout Colorado.
Colorado Helplines
STD/HIV Hotline – call (877) 478-3448
Child Abuse Denver County: 24 hr. hotline – if you have been abused or you suspect a case of child abuse, call 303-727-3000
Detox Hotline – call (719) 572-6330
Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Hotline – (719) 633-3819
Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence – (303)444-2424
Pueblo Suicide Prevention Center – (800) 273-8255
Treatment & Detox Guide
Did you know that your support system can make all the difference when you enter into drug treatment? The social support systems that are integrated into drug treatment programs can have dramatic effects on the success of the overall treatment program, especially for those whose addictions are highly psychological in matter. A strong social support….
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New Year’s Eve celebrations can be synonymous with alcohol-fueled excess, or at least a champagne toast. But for those struggling with alcoholism, it’s a high-risk situation. Bradford Health Services Addiction Treatment administrator Timothy Robinson and community representative Amanda Lewis suggest techniques for staying sober and socially comfortable at a party where alcohol is served. HOW….
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The Placer County Health and Human Services (HHS) Substance Abuse Prevention Program is reminding parents, teens and young adults to remain diligent against underage drinking and binge alcohol consumption, especially during the holidays. Students, both high school and college, are out for annual holiday breaks. And while the holidays bring many festive occasions, they can….
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We must fully debate our attitude to alcohol, or acknowledgment of our dysfunctionality will be suppressed, writes BRIAN O’CONNELL A soon-to-be-published study attempts to define, with some clarity, what the health consequences of our national hangover are. The report examined alcohol-attributable deaths and hospitalisation in Ireland from 2000 to 2004. In that period, one-in-10 bed-days….
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On this Mother’s Day, ABC News 20/20 interviews The Orchid Recovery Center and looks at the darker side of an illness shrouded in shame and secrecy. – On Friday April 30th, just in time for this Mother’s Day, the Orchid Recovery Center will be featured on ABC News 20/20 as part of a news story….
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