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Treatment & Detox Guide
Common Misconceptions about Addiction
There are many misconceived ideas about addiction that lead people to make poor choices or to overlook certain consequences when addiction is a factor. Though addiction is a science that is continuously being addressed, many of the original ideas and perceptions about this disease continue to stick around in the minds of both those addicted….
Mistakes to Avoid Post Drug Treatment
Once you have completed drug treatment it’s easy to think that you are out of the danger zone and fully recovered from addiction. Unfortunately, the reality is that you are not ever in the clear and out of the danger zone when it comes to addiction. Recovery from addiction is a long term (lifelong) effort….
Dual diagnosis
The mental state of the person affects greatly the immune power of his body to external addictions and also unacceptable extreme behavior. If an individual is not sound mentally, then there are chances of him getting addicted to harmful things and destroying his life completely. Dual diagnosis occurs to the people who are both….
Drug and alcohol abuse in your back yard
SANTA ANA Orange County spends some $40 million a year on running programs that prevent, treat and rehabilitate drug and alcohol abusers. And this year for the first time, the Health Care Agency published a public report that illustrates who is getting treatment, where they live and their poison of choice. The numbers even reflect….
Confronting the Alcohol Issue
If you’ve evaluated your drinking and have decided that you might have a problem with alcohol, then it’s worth taking the next step to investigate what you can do about it. You might still have mixed feelings about whether or not you have a problem; this is a completely normal way to feel and does….