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Seasons Recovery Center of Malibu California Stresses the Importance of Aftercare
What comes after drug rehab? Seasons Recovery Center says that any effective drug rehab program will be followed by continuing aftercare sessions to further prevent relapse. At Seasons Recovery Center of Malibu, California patients undergo a range of psychological and physical therapies that are aimed at helping them to return to society drug free and….
Drinking Problem: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

When Diane O’Connor adopted four children she had been fostering, she knew she had challenges ahead of her. Her previous experiences with foster children at her home in Upstate Albany had proven such kids often suffered from a variety of emotional and behavioral problems. This was understandable, given the abuse and neglect they had endured….
New drugs to treat alcohol addiction not quick solutions
Since addiction has become recognized as an illness, there has been a quest to have more traditional medication treatment alternatives. Two new medicines to help individuals with alcohol dependence, Campral and Vivitrol, have been introduced in the past five years. We’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks surrounding these two medications. Patients need to understand when….
Binge-drink Britain: Hospital alcohol admissions soar by more than 50% in five years
Alcohol-related admissions to hospitals in England have soared by more than 50 per cent over the last five years, latest figures revealed last night. Startling data from the Department of Health showed there were 863,257 drink-related admissions in 2007-08, up sharply from 569,418 in 2003-04 – the year Labour’s reforms ushered in round-the-clock drinking. That….
Harsh truths about your alcohol intake
This summer has been another wet one. With all the rain it’s enough to drive you to drink! Most of us enjoy a tipple now and again, but do we really know how much is safe and when to stop? Am I better off having an occasional pint or should I cut it out altogether?….