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Treatment & Detox Guide
What Factors Help People to Stay in Treatment?
When your addicted to drugs or alcohol the entire process of treatment is a difficult and challenging process that takes time and effort. Various changes must be made emotionally, physically, personally and financially to assure the overall successful recovery of an addict and all these changes can be difficult to deal with psychologically not to….
Binge Drinking Clogs Arteries With Plaque
The specific pathway through which binge drinking contributes to clogged arteries has been identified by University of Rochester Medical Center researchers. Alcoholic beverages contain ethanol, which is mostly converted into acetaldehyde. The Rochester team found that binge drinking-related levels of acetaldehyde make immune cells called monocyctes more likely to stick to blood vessel walls and….
How can dual diagnosis be treated
A person with Dual diagnosis is affected with substance abuse and mental health disorder at the same time. Therefore, it is very important to find out the cause of substance abuse and mental health problem, individually in these people and to study and then draft out a proper method for the diagnosis of this dual….
Recognizing and Treating Alcohol Problems
While some 18 million Americans suffer from alcohol abuse or dependence, only one in eight receives treatment. Poor diagnosis may play a role in people being undertreated, but there are a growing number of tools to help people assess and understand whether they have alcohol problems. One of the latest tools is a new government….
Minimum pricing of alcohol does not go far enough, says Royal Society of Edinburgh
Minimum pricing has been supported by a broad coalition of health professionals and drinks industry figures The minimum pricing of alcohol in Scotland should be set at 50p per unit — 10p more than that proposed by the SNP government, according to the Royal Society of Edinburgh. The society, whose members include experts in health,….