Virginia Hospital Center
1701 North George Mason Drive
Arlington, VA 22205
(703) 558-6451
Intake: (703) 558-6418
Who Answers?
1701 North George Mason Drive
Arlington, VA 22205
(703) 558-6451
Intake: (703) 558-6418
Those who suffer from alcohol addiction often continue to drink simply to forgo any withdrawal symptoms from occurring. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome is a potentially life threatening illness that can last for many days or even weeks following an individual’s decision to stop drinking but there is help. Many options are available for alcohol withdrawal symptoms treatment….
We’ve read the 12 page report on “Reducing Drinking and Driving in Europe” by the European Commission — a sort of benchmark in sorting your way through the problem of alcohol-related traffic accidents. But it doesn’t take a report to tell you this: if you drink and drive, someday, somewhere, someone, is bound to die….
The desire to drink more than we would like to is an emotional habit. A lot of people think that they are alcoholics, but they’re not – they are just stressed and emotional drinkers. There is nothing wrong with them. They have got themselves into a bit of a bad habit; a bad habit that….
The upcoming holiday season can be particularly stressful if you’ll be spending time with a loved one addicted to alcohol or other drugs. You might feel conflicted about family celebrations; holiday gatherings are supposed to be happy times, but yours don’t look like what you see on television. Should you ignore your loved one’s addiction….
A recent study in Lancet Medical Journal says men are twice as likely as women to become alcoholics. Casual drinking may lead to something more serious. A study released this month shines a light on the risks of alcohol abuse, especially among those with a “Y” chromosome. The report says men are twice more likely….
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