Tom Moore Counseling Center
321 North 3rd Street
McCall, ID 83638
(208) 634-4404
Who Answers?
321 North 3rd Street
McCall, ID 83638
(208) 634-4404
Not everyone drinks in response to stress. A number of factors, including genetics, usual drinking behavior, experiences with alcohol or other drugs, and social support, help determine whether a person will drink during a stressful situation. Does drinking help people relax? Researchers aren’t quite sure. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism,….
When your addicted to drugs or alcohol the entire process of treatment is a difficult and challenging process that takes time and effort. Various changes must be made emotionally, physically, personally and financially to assure the overall successful recovery of an addict and all these changes can be difficult to deal with psychologically not to….
It’s Been two years since a drop of alcohol last passed Neil Kimberlin’s lips. But despite his teetotal lifestyle the 58-year-old openly admits he is still is, and always will be, an alcoholic. At the height of his addiction Neil downed a whole litre of whisky every single day as well as drinking 14 pints….
Alcohol dependency is characterized by a physical need to use alcohol in order to function or feel good. For the patient, there are two primary forms of alcohol dependency which include medical treatment and psychological treatment. Both methods of treatment must be used in order to effectively overcome alcohol dependency and provide the greatest possible….
Up To 10,000 people in Kirklees could have some form of issue with alcohol. The Kirklees Alcohol Advisory Service (KAAS) said they are approached by around 3,000 people a year seeking help for alcohol dependency. But chairman Norman Macleod believes there are many thousands more who, while not alcoholics, are not in control of their….
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