Southwest Behavioral Health Center
75 West 1175 North
Beaver, UT 84713
(435) 438-5537
Hotline: (435) 438-5537
Who Answers?
75 West 1175 North
Beaver, UT 84713
(435) 438-5537
Hotline: (435) 438-5537
Recent cases of teen and even child alcohol binges are indications of increasing abuse by younger Germans, as an alarming new report published by a German health insurance company reveals. Just last week, three children aged 11, 12 and 13 were found passed out at a playground in the city of Paderborn after drinking vodka…..
Poisoning caused by binge drinking – drinking excessively within a short period. For men, that’s five standard-sized alcoholic beverages within two hours. For women it’s four or more standard-sized drinks, which is defined as a 12-ounce beer, a 5- ounce glass of wine or a mixed drink with one shot. With excessive drinking, the liver struggles….
A year ago, a booze-fueled spring break trip was all the news when two Portland State University basketball players got into a drunken brawl in Mexico. That donnybrook drew lots of attention because athletes were involved. But it was otherwise unremarkable: Studies show that, while students don’t necessarily drink more on spring break, those who….
As a parent of a teenager who went through an alcohol ordeal, I’d like to share some information with other parents and most importantly – other teenagers. My 16-year -old son went on a drinking binge a short while back and almost lost his life. If it wasn’t for his awesome and most importantly, mature….
Researcher Caitlin Abar of the Prevention Research and Methodology Center at Pennsylvania State University suggested that parents enforce a zero-tolerance policy in the home. She also said that there is no scientific evidence to support the belief that prohibiting alcohol turns it into a “forbidden fruit” and encourages abuse. In an effort to see whether….
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