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Alcohol abuse may resume after critical surgery
critical surgery Life-saving surgery to prevent repeated severe bleeding from ruptured veins in the esophagus or upper stomach may not induce some patients with alcoholic liver disease to stop drinking alcohol, researchers report. Such a surgical procedure may be necessary to reduce the pressure in the veins of the esophagus and upper stomach among patients….
Is Medication the Only Option in ADHD Treatment?
How does a physician decide to treat a patient with ADHD (Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity Disorder)? Different types of ADHD treatment are available. With detailed observation, the patient should be studied at length in order to discover which options work for that particular individual. The treatment of ADHD should be tailored with a consideration of special….
Alcohol abuse
Alcohol is daily consumed all over the globe. Alcohol is a drink which has the power to make psychoactive changes in the brain of the human body. Alcohol, when consumed regularly and in large quantities is sure to affect the physical well being of the person. People tend to be alcohol addicted because they enjoy….
Aggressive ecstasy, crystal meth bill gets new legs in Parliament
A private member’s bill re-introduced in the House of Commons on Monday would allow law enforcement officers to arrest those who procure ingredients with the intent of manufacturing ecstasy or methamphetamine. The proposed legislation, Bill C-475, An Act to Amend the Controlled and Substances Act, was originally tabled by Peace River MP Chris Warkentin in….
When spirits fuel the muse: Examining alcoholism and madness in literature and film
Here’s a statistic you won’t pick up in English 101: Of eight native-born Americans awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, five were alcoholics, including Sinclair Lewis and Eugene O’Neill. “Alcohol is a factor if not the central focus of the three top modern novelists – Hemingway, Faulkner and Fitzgerald,” says Michael Carolan, an M.F.A. candidate….