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The Real Cost Of Drinking
Every year 3,000 women die as a result of alcohol, while binge drinking among British teens is rocketing. Here four women explain how alcohol has blighted their lives The Binge Drinker Dawn Morris, 27, lives in Watford with her husband James, 29, a promotions manager, her five-year-old son, Lewis, and two-year-old daughter, Isabella. “At college….
Many Parents Encourage Underage Drinking
Do you let your underage child consume alcohol at home? In Australia, many parents allow and even encourage underage drinking for teens 15 to 17 years of age, even though the impact of alcohol on these children can be significant. The Australian Drinking Guidelines, released by the National Health and Research Medical Council, recommend that….
Violence Against the Homeless: Is It a Hate Crime?
The chapel at Immanuel Presbyterian Church was filled to capacity last Saturday afternoon, with mourners moving up to the balcony. Much to the surprise of his family, hundreds — from infants to senior citizens — came to honor John Robert McGraham, a homeless man who was brutally murdered on Oct. 9. McGraham, 55, was doused….
Accurate Native history is critical to sobriety and recovery, program finds
White Bison Inc. is a 20-year-old Native nonprofit organization that focuses not only on alcoholism recovery but also on the ways in which a history of colonization contributed to addiction in the American Indian community. Operating from a modest office on a quiet street, White Bison reaches Native communities well beyond this city south of….
Causes of bi-polar disorder
Bi-polar disorder is mainly a type of mood disorder and highly related to the psychological health of a person. People affected with bi-polar disorder experience great emotional fluctuations, which can induce fatal suicidal tendency in the affected. Therefore, bi-polar disorder needs to be timely treated. To help the patient, knowing the causes of the disorder….