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Warning over early exposure to alcohol
Giving children alcohol at an early age increases their risk of becoming drink-dependent at a later stage in life, according to new research. The claim challenges the long-held notion that introducing children to alcohol in small measures over time may prevent teenage binge drinking. The new study, by the US National Institute on Alcohol Abuse….
Is 18 too young to drink a beer?
Is 18 too young to drink a beer? A group of college and university presidents and administrators have called for a public debate to rethink the legal drinking age in the United States. Some of them openly support lowering the age to 18 from 21; others are truly looking for help in dealing with a….
Consequences of Cocaine Addiction & the Need for Treatment

As one of the strongest Schedule I narcotics around, cocaine carries an incredibly high addiction potential. Most people take to cocaine because of the immediate “jolt” this drug causes. Cocaine’s addiction potential goes into action as of the first time a person tries the drug. When first starting out, cocaine produces increased energy levels, improved….
5 Dangers Associated with Teenagers and Alcohol Abuse

About Teenagers and Alcohol Abuse According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, approximately 10.4 million people between the age of 12 and 20 had tried alcohol by age 15, and at least fifty percent of teenagers have had at least one full drink. Furthermore, by age 18, more than 70% of teens….
Is Inpatient Treatment Better than Outpatient Treatment?

When you finally do decide to seek help for yourself or a loved one who is addicted to drugs or alcohol, the growing concern may be what type of treatment is going to be most effective—is inpatient treatment better than outpatient treatment? The answer to this question depends on a variety of different circumstantial factors….