A National Directory of Drug Treatment Centers and Alcohol Treatment Centers, Therapists and Specialists. A free, simple directory providing assistance and guidance for those seeking help regarding alcohol addiction, drug addiction, dependency and many other conditions that affect the mind, body and soul.
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Treatment & Detox Guide

Church fights for alcoholics centre

Highland Council plans to slash inverness Beechwood House funding by £200,000 next year Church leaders yesterday joined the fight to keep open the only 24-hour centre for alcoholics in Inverness. Inverness Presbytery is calling on the agencies involved in Beechwood House to work together to allow it to continue. It came as a Highlands and….

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Alcohol consumption doubles since the 1960s

Britain is facing a “silent epidemic” of dementia as alcohol consumption has doubled since the 1960s, doctors have warned. The link between alcohol consumption and dementia is being ignored and unless urgent action is taken today’s binge drinkers will be tomorrow’s dementia patients, psychiatrists said. Public awareness campaigns and labels warning that dementia is linked….

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Program sets record straight on underage drinking

There’s good news and there’s bad news when it comes to underage drinking in Pee Dee. The good news is that incidents of underage drinking seem to be on the decline. The bad news is that those who do drink are drinking more than ever, according to Circle Park Prevention Services data. “We’ve have some….

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The new smoking ban battleground: detox clinics

detox treatment clinics

Derek Laughlin, a 40-year-old former crack addict from Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, found the cravings unbearable. Hours into treatment last year at a Surrey, B.C., short-term detox centre, on a staff-supervised walk around the block, he fell behind the group to search the pavement for discarded cigarette butts. Overcoming his crack habit was tough, but simultaneously….

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What is opiate Detox

Opiate addiction has been classified as a disorder of the central nervous system of the body that is a result of frequent and prolonged use of opiates. A person with opiate addiction does not have any control over his/her drug craving. Opiate addicts feel lonely and vulnerable as they suffer from highly stressful emotional, social….

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