SE Missouri Behavioral Health Aquinas Center
5536 State Highway 32
Farmington, MO 63640
(573) 756-5749
Intake: (573) 431-0554
Who Answers?
5536 State Highway 32
Farmington, MO 63640
(573) 756-5749
Intake: (573) 431-0554
Binge drinking is more likely to be caused by parental example than allowing a teenager a glass of wine with a meal, according to the head of York’s youth offending team. The comments of Simon Page come after the Government’s chief medical advisor, Sir Liam Donaldson, said under 15s should drink no alcohol whatsoever and….
There are more than two-and-a-half million women alcoholics in America, and many of them are mothers. Two bravely shared their struggles with ABC 7 in the hopes that other moms will get the help that can save them and their families Rebecca Zimmerman was 77 days sober when ABC 7’s Greta Kreuz visited her and….
Irish people spend almost three and a half times more of their income on alcohol than the European average, an EU-wide survey reveals. A study on household expenditure across the 27 EU member states highlights how Irish consumers are the biggest spenders in Europe on alcohol by a long distance. It estimates that more than….
Jane (not her real name) was faced with the shock discovery that her young son was drinking heavily when somebody knocked on her door to tell her he had collapsed in the street. At the age of 12, Alan, (not his real name) had drunk himself unconscious and was being revived by paramedics after attending….
VANCOUVER – Health workers on Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside say they have complained for years about drug addicts being offered kickbacks from pharmacists to fill their methadone prescriptions, a problem they say is getting worse. “We all know about it. The clients know about it, we know about it, but it’s like it’s falling on deaf….
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