A National Directory of Drug Treatment Centers and Alcohol Treatment Centers, Therapists and Specialists. A free, simple directory providing assistance and guidance for those seeking help regarding alcohol addiction, drug addiction, dependency and many other conditions that affect the mind, body and soul.
Call 888-647-0579 to speak with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor.

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Treatment & Detox Guide

Is Private Alcohol Treatment Right for Me?

If you are addicted to alcohol and you are considering alcohol treatment as a means of getting well then you will want to consider all of your options. There are many different types of alcohol treatment centers that provide a range of treatment options for individuals who suffer from mild to moderate or even very….

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Are Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers the Only Option for Recovery?

recovery from alcohol abuse is possible

While traditional alcohol abuse treatment centers operate off of standardized treatment methods, not everyone can benefit from a standardized treatment approach. As different people have different treatment needs, alternative alcohol abuse treatment centers try to approach alcohol recovery from a less restrictive perspective. Alternative alcohol abuse treatment centers offer services more geared towards specific aspects….

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Is Compulsive Shopping A Mental Disorder?

There is little doubt that compulsive shopping can cause severe impairment and distress, two key criteria for formal recognition as a mental disorder. But the rest remains up for grabs: Is compulsive shopping a biologically driven disease of the brain, a learned habit run amok, an addiction in its own right or a symptom of….

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5 Ways Counseling Helps in Alcohol Addiction

alcohol abuse recovery

Alcohol addiction, much like any addiction, is partially physical and partially psychological in scope. As such, counseling is a vital part of the recovery process for those who are addicted to alcohol. There are many ways that counseling can help in alcohol addiction, this article focuses on just 5 of the most common ways that….

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Eating Disorder

Generally, eating disorders are nothing but self developed wrong attitudes towards the food and themselves. It includes unpleasant and self critical thoughts about the food and the body weight, and the eating habits that interrupt the routine activities and the normal functioning of the body. Eating disorders are generally caused by a combination of social,….

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