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How group gave me strength to live with my alcoholic husband
She spent 30 years “wheedling, cajoling, arguing, fighting, threatening and blackmailing” her alcoholic husband. But it was only after attending a local Al-Anon Family Group, for the family and friends of alcoholics, that Mary* realised no one could stop her husband drinking except her husband himself. Mary, a former nurse in her 60s, and her….
One-shot feedback session helps problem drinkers
A single brief intervention that gives problem drinkers personalized feedback can help reduce their alcohol use, new research from the Netherlands shows. Dr. Heleen Riper of the Trimbos Institute in Utrecht and her colleagues looked at 14 studies of such interventions, including a total of 3,682 people. For every eight people who participated, they found,….
Treatment for bi-polar disorder
Bi-polar is a disorder where you experience periods of excitability along with the periods of depression. This swing of moods from one emotion to the other can be very abrupt. The very common treatment for the bi-polar disorder is the mood-stabilizing medicines like the carbamazepine, lithium and valproic acid. These medications are very effective to….
Radiotherapy for cancer treatment
Radiotherapy is also commonly known as radiation therapy, which is also used for cancer treatment. As the name suggests, radiotherapy involves the use of radiations, the ionizing radiations, for treating cancer. These ionizing radiations “injure or destroy” the affected cancerous cells, hampering their “growth” and “division”. It is likely, the normal cells also being damaged,….
Drinking Alcohol Raises Prostate Cancer Risk in African Americans
Alcohol consumption may be associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer in African-American men, according to researchers. A team led by Lionel L. Bañez, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, N.C., prospectively collected data, including information on alcohol intake, from 334 men undergoing prostate biopsy at Durham Veterans….