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Primary Care for Alcoholics
In treating alcohol abuse and alcoholism, “we haven’t yet reached the Prozac moment,” says Dr. Mark Willenbring, referring to the drugs that radically changed the treatment of depression. But Dr. Willenbring, an expert on treating alcohol addiction, predicts that the day is not far off when giving a pill and five minutes of advice to….
Alcohol abuse among women is on the rise
Almost 2.5 million women are alcoholics. Many of these women are busy juggling families and careers — all while hiding a dangerous habit. Health Specialist Denise Dador takes a look at how these”cocktail moms” go from happy hour to addiction. A deadly wrong-way crash in New York last summer shoved the issue of alcoholism into….
Teenagers and Alcohol Abuse: What are the Risks?
There are many risks involved with underage drinking. Possibly the scariest is the lack of understanding about alcohol and what it does to the body. Underage drinkers have no concept of the damage drinking too much can have or even what constitutes “a drink”. 14 grams of pure alcohol is a standard drink: which is….
Group Fights Alcohol Abuse on Campus
Combatting the risks in teenage drinking is a problem on most college campuses. Now, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is working to help solve it, with help from the experts. According to statistics, 31% of college students across the country met the criteria for alcohol abuse. That number is just from the last year, and it’s….
April marks Alcohol Awareness Month
Each day, millions of individuals and families struggle to cope with the harsh realities of alcohol abuse and alcoholism. To highlight the prevalence and seriousness of alcohol abuse in the U.S., the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services (ODADAS) is calling upon all Ohioans to recognize April as National Alcohol Awareness Month. Founded….