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Treatment & Detox Guide
How Treatment Centers Help Individuals Cope With Relapse
Unfortunately, relapse is a common occurrence after an addict completes treatment for any type of addiction whether it’s an alcohol addiction or a drug addiction. Luckily, even after relapse you can still get back on track with the help of a treatment center. Treatment centers can help you overcome the feelings of defeat that occur….
Naltrexone: can a pill cure alcoholism?
Naltrexone is cheap, effective and requires no costly rehab. So why do so few doctors endorse it? Mrs M, as she asks me to call her, isn’t sure exactly when she last drank herself into a comatose state, but she knows it was about five years ago. At that time she got through a bottle….
Treatment Facility Opens Women's Center
NASHVILLE, Tenn. – There are major differences between men and women when it comes to battling drug and alcohol addiction. It turns out women are more likely to fall into addiction and more likely to develop serious health problems because of it, according to a Nashville area substance abuse facility. For more than 40 years,….
How an Intervention Can Help Your Loved One into a Drug Abuse Program

Once addiction takes hold in a person’s life, those closest to the addict often feel powerless to help. Attempts to reason or confront your loved one may well be met with anger and hostility at every turn. Without some form of intervention, your loved one may likely continue on in a downward spiral as drugs….
Nurses to offer patients advice on alcohol intake
Nurses are to advise patients about their drinking habits as part of a scheme to tackle binge drinking. Patients who return to hospital for treatment after a drink-related injury will receive advice from nurses about their alcohol intake. The assembly government-led scheme will start across Wales in February. The chief nursing officer for Wales said….