Havenwyck Hospital Substance Abuse Services
1525 University Drive
Auburn Hills, MI 48326
(248) 373-9200
Who Answers?
1525 University Drive
Auburn Hills, MI 48326
(248) 373-9200
When most people think about the upcoming holidays, they think about friends, family, food and good cheer. But for many people, the weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s are particularly difficult. Financial problems are tough to handle at any time, but they can seem overwhelming during this season of giving. Feelings of loneliness, isolation and….
When you choose your doctor you take your time, do research and try to choose the best doctor you can for your individual needs—the same should be true when you choose a drug treatment center. Choosing the best drug treatment center should be more than just opening the phone book and setting an appointment with….
Excessive sway during quiet standing is a common and significant consequence of chronic alcoholism, even after prolonged sobriety, and can lead to fall-related injury and even death. A new study of residual postural instability in alcohol-abstinent men and women shows that alcoholics improve with prolonged sobriety, but the improvement may not fully erase the problem….
Anyone who has dealt closely with addiction knows that it is a terrible disease. Those who live with addiction struggle with temptation, shame and guilt as a result of their addiction to a point in which is totally disrupts any chance at a normal lifestyle. Treatment for addiction is based on medical approaches, scientific advancements….
On a recent Tuesday night, Anchorage police sergeant Dennis Allen came upon a familiar face at a bus stop. It was Paul, one of Anchorage’s 400 or so homeless alcoholics who chronically get drunk in public. He was drinking malt liquor from a cup, and Allen made him pour it out. Later Allen came upon….
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