Ohio teen started Valium at age 11; new law may help With his homework in his hand, the kid would hop off the bus, walk half a block home and grab the mail. “I’ve got stuff to do,” he’d tell the baby sitter as he closed the door to his room and ripped open the….
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Students seek dismissal of underage drinking citations A new program offering students the chance to have their first underage drinking citation dismissed has seen an increase in participation. “Within the first six weeks of school, numbers were already up by 45 people,” said University Police Chief Bob Roberts. Offered through West Virginia University’s Carruth Center….
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One part of the prenatal brain that may be particularly sensitive to alcohol’s effects is white matter, nerve fibers through which information is exchanged between different areas of the central nervous system. A recent study has demonstrated that alcohol consumption during pregnancy can alter the microstructural integrity of developing fetal cerebral white matter in the….
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A new, advanced approach to treating alcohol and drug addiction will become available next week to a nation- and world-wide clientele with the opening of the Enterhealth Life Recovery Center, located near Dallas. Enterhealth will introduce a comprehensive residential treatment approach that includes addiction/behavioral diagnosis, neurotherapy, medication therapies, and enhanced support through an online e-learning….
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Narcotic anonymous is a “non profit fellowship”. This organization can be said to be a society of all the men and women who are or were addicted to drugs. These people meet regularly and carry out different programs to help the addicted recover from their addiction. The only criteria for earning the membership of this….
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