Daystar Center for Spiritual Recovery
125 North 18th Street
Harrisburg, PA 17103
(717) 230-9898
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125 North 18th Street
Harrisburg, PA 17103
(717) 230-9898
Much like the rest of the country, the rate of drug use in Florida remains an issue of public concern. With each passing year, access to various types of drugs has become easier for people of all ages. Access to heroin is no different. Being addicted to heroin is one of the most difficult periods….
When the vomiting, tremors, and chills she felt each morning became overwhelming, Jessica Polmann started selling her body to finance her heroin addiction and halt the debilitating physical symptoms of withdrawal. The petite, blond cheerleader, who made the honor roll before she started doing heroin at age 13, received $60 and some cigarettes each time….
It’s time for Seventh-day Adventists to do more in getting the word out about the dangers of alcohol use and binge drinking among young people, according to DeWitt Williams, health ministries director for the church in North America. Williams points out that the alcohol industry spends a staggering $11 million a day on advertising in….
The White House said yesterday that it will push for treatment, rather than incarceration, of people arrested for drug-related crimes as it announced the nomination of Seattle Police Chief R. Gil Kerlikowske to oversee the nation’s effort to control illegal drugs. The choice of drug czar and the emphasis on alternative drug courts, announced by….
By JIM EGAR In early 2000, I watched as a 45-year-old African-American defendant was led out of court in handcuffs after having been sentenced to prison for possessing a tenth of a gram of cocaine. His wife, mother, employer and attorney asked the judge to send him for mandatory residential drug treatment with drug tests,….
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