A National Directory of Drug Treatment Centers and Alcohol Treatment Centers, Therapists and Specialists. A free, simple directory providing assistance and guidance for those seeking help regarding alcohol addiction, drug addiction, dependency and many other conditions that affect the mind, body and soul.
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Treatment & Detox Guide

Children and alcohol: even France is no longer immune

While Britain tries a new approach to curb underage drinking, teenage binges are on the rise across the Channel If there is one country that might be expected to greet the chief medical officer’s words on not mixing children and alcohol with a loud cough and splutter, it is France. In the land of rolling….

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Signs and Symptoms of alcohol addiction

Alcohol addiction is a problem largely related to the physiological dependency of a person on alcohol. Therefore, getting rid of the alcohol addiction is not a simple task. Sudden withdrawal from alcohol can be very unpleasant for the addict and can lead to medical consequences, therefore, proper methods needs to be adopted when treating alcohol….

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Helping Someone With Alcohol or Drug Problem

Alcohol or Drug addiction

If someone confides in you that he or she has a problem with alcohol or other drugs, some ways of dealing with this situation clearly work better than others. You should try to be: Understanding – listen to reasons why he or she uses/ abuses alcohol or other drugs; Firm – explain why you feel….

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‘Minimum price’ demand on alcohol

The availability of cheap alcohol has led to calls for minimum prices in Wales to change the drinking culture. Brian Gibbons, Wales’ social affairs minister, says he wants to see alcohol strength taken into account in pricing. Scottish ministers are preparing laws on minimum pricing, and Dr Gibbons has discussed the issue with them, although….

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Frightening rise in binge drinking among California teens

binge drinking problems

Debbie Allen felt sick when she heard about the death of 15-year-old Sarah Botill after a night of drinking Dec. 5 at a weekend sleepover in Gilroy. Her daughter, Shelby Lyn, died under eerily similar circumstances Dec. 19 last year in Redding. Like Sarah, Shelby Lyn Allen, 17, was drinking with two friends late at….

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